Here it is- a year later. Time has really flown by this past year. There has hardly been time to really reflect deeply on what is going on in the world these days. Everything seems to be happening so fast to me-and all at once! I have learned a lot more from everyone else and the work at their blogs than they have from me I think. I do hope that here and there I have been able to come up with some interesting thoughts or subjects that people have enjoyed. I hope to be around for another year-hopefully;-) and I hope all of you I communicate with are around a very long time also! Love to all of you and thanks so very much for keeping in touch and reading and commenting!
Happy birthday! We put soem new Danny Nunez up yesterday and will post some William Levy in celebration og My Favourite Monsters :-)
And may My Favorite Monsters & its many future inspirations thrive & see many more far-spanning years ahead & brilliant blogticles to come & cause us to really wonder, on this, its new Solar Return! Keep up the great work, Devin. I'm blest to've made friends with you & to've enjoyed your writing.
Remain thrice blest,
Anadæ Effro (•8-D}
Congrats from me and Mike! We are glad that you are in blog land. Love your blog and your comments when you drop by our blog. Here's to more years of blogging.
Hey all of you-I am absolutely overwhelmed!! I thought when I put this up that no one might even notice for a day or more!!
Anadae-o never mind I will ask you in an email haha-nothing personal-but stevo, Anadae and Mike and Julie I so appreciate all of you and your kind and thoughtful wishes!!
I will definitely try to get by all of your pages today -let me do a long long overdue post at the history blog first
sending love and hugs to all of you and I hope you are all around blogging (and in physical form haha) for a very long time also!!:-)
Happy blog-birthday-to-you! Yahoo! It's been so great having you in the blog world. You keep us all thinking and motivated!
Autumnforest -thanks so very much for the Happy Blog Bday!!
I feel exactly the same way about you that you said about me here-especially the motivation part!!
all the best to you my friend and congratulations with everything at your blog-your friend always!!
Hi Devin, MFM has become one of my favorite (non-porn) blogs and I'm so glad to have become friends. Your unique insight and point of view is a treasure.
Cheers, Michael
Picked up your site from a comment on Benjibopper's blog.
That candle sure looks like Woodstock, out of Peanuts. :)
Michael -thanks so very much for this nice thoughts -I appreciate them so very much -like I say I don't know how valuable anything I do is -but perhaps it is at least unique if nothing else haha!! all the best in the world to you and Var my friend and Gosporn is one of my favorite places for several reasons -I find your insights over there always unique and intelligent and they don't seem to be in areas that other people have really thought much about so it always gets my slow mind moving a bit when I visit !! haha sometimes other parts of me with the eye candy (wink)thanks again my friend!!
ivan thanks so much for stopping by MFM -I have noticed your comments also at Benji's place and always enjoy your insights and intelligence -and hey your right about the candle;-)-best to you ivan and i hope you are having a great week!!
Happy BEE-lated birthday bro!
Congrats on a whole year!
May you have many more!!
Michael thanks so much for commenting on the birthday-it is especially relevant towards you since I never would have started blogging with your encouragement in the first place!!
all the best in the world to you my friend and i hope you are having a beautiful week!!
Happy Birthday MFM! Many happy returns, and hope you will be celebrating many more!
Justin thanks so very much for stopping by with your wishes-and I also wish you physically a very long and happy life and wish "memetika" a very long and happy bloglife!!
thanks also tremendously for the great links you have given over the time i have known you!!
I really need to put yours,Xdells, Anadaes and other peoples links on my blog in one location in a post that can be accessed easily-all the best in the world to you!!
Many happy returns. I've enjoyed this blog, as you well know.
Hi Devin
Am soooo sorry I missed this my friend - your site is an international treasure & deserves the Monster Peace Prize!
Very, very happy (belated) birthday greetings to you my friend xxoo
Alex and Xdell -thank you so very much for your happy birthday wishes!! I also hope the same for your blogs and all of us physically -I can't tell you how much I appreciate your friendship and support!!
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