Monday, September 27, 2010



Julie Ferguson said...

Interesting video about spirals and what the symbol means to the various cultures.

Hope all is well with you my little bror.....take care.

darkfoam said...

love the video.
i taught the spiral today.

Devin said...

Hiya Adsila and foam!!
I hope the both of you are doing great and thanks so very much for stopping by!!
I enjoyed this video very much too--when it got to the "new age" "light beings" part I was thinking "to each his/her own":-) but of course one never knows!!

X. Dell said...

Like a spiral in a circle,
Like a wheel within a wheel,
Never ending or beginning,
On an everspinning reel,

Like a snowball down a mountain,
Like a carnival balloon,
Like a carousel that's spinning,
Running Rings around the moon,

Like a clock whose hands are sweeping,
Past the minutes of its face,
And the world is like an apple Whirling silently in space,

Like the silence that you'll find....

Experiments with other primates have given affirmation (although have not proven to an academic standard) some of the theories of human dissemination. Spirals are but one example of this phenomenon. Oar shapes and designs, plow shapes, and many other things seem to appear at about the same time, in disperse cultures all around the world, despite the fact that ancient societies would not have the means to communicate these ideas to each other.

Basically, because we're all human, we share various traits, among them modes of thinking and problems of survival. So once someone in, say, Africa finds a way of doing something, someone in South America independently has the identical "AHA!" moment.

In experiments with chimpanzees, researchers note that when they discover or develop a new technology, other captives of their species begin to do the same thing.

While some might think in terms of the Akashic Records, I would tend to think more in terms of RNA.

Devin said...

Hi Xdell---i loved the bit at the first of your comment!! and the rest of your comment was very thought-provoking too!!
In addition to your thoughts here -I am sure you have heard of Rupert Sheldrake's "Morphogenetic Fields"?
thanks as always for stopping by and your always excellent comments and thoughts!!