On this day, Mrs. Rosa Lotti, who was forty years of age at the time was going to a cemetery with some flowers placed in a pot. She was a devoutly religious woman and what was about to happen to her shocked her to the core of her being. As Rosa walked past an open, grassy space she saw a vertical spindle-shaped object (an artists rendering of Rosa Lotti's encounter and the craft is in the above image). In the lower half of the object there was an opening, through which she could see two seats. The object or craft also had a window or door on its side. From behind the craft two small, humanoid type beings appeared. They were about three and a half to four feet tall, wearing greyish tight-fitting coveralls that appeared to also have a cloak or cape attached to them. The beings also wore reddish leather helmets that were similar to skullcaps. The little beings also had what appeared to be a "convexity" in the center of their foreheads. They appeared to be very happy and spoke in an incomprehensible language with a lilting quality to their speech.
All of a sudden the two entities surrounded Rosa and snatched her pot of flowers. The distraught woman tried to get her flowers back, but the beings ignored her and returned to their machine or craft. Rosa Lotti ran away screaming when one of them pointed something at her in what seemed to be an aggressive manner to her. By the time the woman reached the police her memory of the events was already fading, almost like a dream fades upon waking. In fact, during the time the sighting occurred she had been in a strange, detached mental state for most of it. This detachment or dreamlike quality of consciousness is a common factor in many UFO sightings, especially ones where contact with the occupants takes place. Many villagers converged on the site, finding only a crater where the odd, spindle shaped object had been. Other witnesses near the area at the time claimed to see it leave the area leaving blue and red trails in the sky. The local farmer had hurried there when his sons told him they had seen the woman being accosted by the little men. With so many people in the area before investigators could arrive there was little chance, especially with regard to the technology of the time to collect valuable forensic evidence. I had wanted to do this post and others like it here and there like the ongoing reincarnation series to show how bizarre some UFO sightings are to categorize. I do not think these events were just in Rosa Lotti's imagination, as there were multiple witnesses to at least some of the events. Also 1954 was a year of very 'high strangeness' all over Europe with regard to UFO sightings and encounters. If these beings were aliens from another solar system they seemed to have a very humanoid-almost elven type appearance and mannerisms-I wonder would life on planets hundreds or thousands of light years away evolve creatures such as these? If these beings were humans from the future traveling back in time, their 'mission' that day sure seems odd to me. They ended up terrorizing a devoutly religious village woman all for a pot of flowers. With this case-although as with many of these cases of high strangeness-we will probably never know for sure, but I lean towards the ultra-terrestrial hypothesis with this one. This would be where creatures that can inhabit and visit our world, yet live in a 'frequency' or other dimension from ours drop by every now and then. Perhaps the oddness of their behavior only seems odd or weird to us because we are not understanding the context of where or when they come from. Maybe these inpenetrable actions they take seem that way to us because our brains filter out parts of these encounters-or misinterpret them entirely. This is a quote from Jacques Vallee's 1988 book, Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact: During the 1970s, the report of paranormal events in connection with close encounters with UFOs seems to have become the rule rather than the exception, and most investigators have found it very difficult to deal with this aspect of the cases because it does not match their expectations of what an extraterrestrial visit would be. Such paranormal events might take the form of minor unexplained coincidences in which a man might have had a dream prior to the sighting (or answered a knock on the door only to find no one there, as happened to a policeman who later the same evening reported being paralyzed by two occupants of an unknown craft). Sometimes the event was more significant. A number of witnesses, for example, reported perceiving distinct messages inside their heads, a fact they interpreted as an indication of telepathic ability on the part of the UFO occupants. Still other categories of psychic events are the distortion of time and space reported by witnesses and the apparent violations of physical laws represented by the sudden appearance and disappearance of physical craft. And as we saw in the previous chapters, close observers often report something akin to a trip into a parallel time stream. These observations constitute collectively what I call the "psychic component" of the UFO phenomenon.
It is a lot to think about-parallel dimensions, alternate frequencies, parallel timelines and the whole host of other 'explanations' of this strange phenomenon. I have often thought that maybe the universe is big enough-infinitely so-where all of the various theories about UFOs and other paranormal events could be 'true' in some sense. I hope that anyone stopping by enjoys this bit of high weirdness. Thanks again so much for all of your wonderful, thoughtful and observant comments! I hope to start the new short 'series' that I really enjoyed looking into on Thursday. Peace and be well to anyone stopping by! Other sources of information for this article were Jacques Vallee's 1970 book, Passport to Magonia, Fortean Times magazines May 2006 edition page 26 and also http://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case703.htm